International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
On Wings of Eagles
On Wings of Eagles assists needy Jews in making aliyah (immigrating to Israel). They come from all over the world—Russia, Argentina, India, Muslim countries and elsewhere—to escape anti-Semitism and extreme poverty, and to realize the dream of living in their biblical homeland. When they arrive in Israel, On Wings of Eagles provides them with klitah (resettlement) assistance to help them become full, productive citizens. Through your generous gift, The Fellowship‘s Wings ministry is being used to help fulfill the prophecies that promise to gather the Jewish exiles “from the four corners of the earth” (Isaiah 11:12)…
Isaiah 58
The Fellowship’s Isaiah 58 program provides food, medical care, housing and other basic assistance to poor Jews in the former Soviet Union, and finances a network of safe children’s homes throughout the area. Through this lifesaving work, our Isaiah 58 partners are truly fulfilling the biblical mandate “to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter when you see the naked, to clothe him …” (Isaiah 58:7).
Life Outreach International
A Cup of Cold Water
“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.” (Matthew 10:42) Everyday, children all over the world walk miles down a “road of death” to fetch their daily water. This water isn’t even clean – it’s filled with all sorts of water-borne diseases.The diseases found in unclean, contaminated water kill 1.8 million children every year. Because of diseased water, up to 50% of all people in poverty-stricken nations suffer severe health problems. Sadly, they are unable to fix the situation because they are too poor… But we can step in and provide the help they desperately need.In Matthew 10:42, Jesus urges us to give water to the thirsty. Taking this call to heart, Mission: Water for LIFE drills wells for suffering communities, delivering fresh, clean water to these “little ones.
Feeding the Hungry
Blessed is he that considers the poor … Psalms 41:1
What a blessing and a privilege we have to share life! Behind every outreach, every changed life and every television program we broadcast is the greatest gift we could ever share with others in life – the love of God. To the hurting who long to know someone cares…your love makes the difference. To those who hunger…your love makes the difference. To a hungry child … your love makes the difference. To those who thirst for a clean cup of water … your love makes the difference. To a family in need of a home … your love makes the difference.
Dr. Morris Cerullo, Apostle and Prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ, is a man on the move for God. He is a man whose entire life is dedicated to fulfilling the call of God to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every living creature. In 1962, God gave him a specific call in Porte Alegro, Brazil when He said, “Son, build Me an army.” This army is made up of Nationals trained to take the Gospel to their villages, cities, states, and nations
with the same anointing that rests upon Dr. Cerullo’s life and ministry. God has used Dr. Cerullo to pioneer overseas ministries and open many countries that have been considered closed to the Gospel. His ministry is accompanied by a manifestation of God’s miracle power. We partner with World Evangelism that the word of God may be taken to every corner of the world. It has truly been a blessing.